Brad Belote, Tri-Cities chapter

532544_10152935072320068_1074032386_nName: Brad Belote

Chapter: Tri-Cities

Current position: Corporate Communications, Eastman (also group fitness instructor, HealthFitness and The Great Body Company)

How long in current position: Four-plus years

First PR job: This is it.

Where you attended college: University of Missouri

If you weren’t doing PR, you’d be……back in a newsroom where I cut my teeth and found my passion.

Proudest professional accomplishment: I’ve done some cool things and worked with some amazing people.

What is your passion? My family is at the center of everything I do. My fitness journey has unleashed a lot of passion about the synergy of rhythm, lyric and movement.

Why you are a PRSA member? I still consider myself a novice in this field. PRSA has exposed me to some extraordinary people and ideas and expanded my network in great ways.

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