Chris Fletcher, Nashville chapter

Chris-FletcherName: Chris Fletcher

Chapter: Nashville

Current position: PR & Communications Manager, Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee

How long in current position: Since October 2014

First PR job: This is my first job in PR. For 26 years prior, I worked in journalism as a reporter and editor for newspapers and the Associated Press in Texas, Florida and Tennessee.

Where you attended college: Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas.

If you weren’t doing PR, you’d be … Still working someplace like Goodwill, which is dedicated to educating and empowering people.

Proudest professional accomplishment: Anytime I have been able to make a genuine difference in someone’s life through my writing. Bylines and awards tarnish and fade, but hearing “thank you” from a grateful reader never does.

What is your passion? Storytelling as a tool to educate and bring people closer together. I think the power of a good story to change the world is almost limitless.

Why you are a PRSA member? Because I have an awful lot to learn in this industry. I have already gotten a lot of guidance through PRSA-hosted events.

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