Rebecca Harris Greer, Memphis chapter

R GreerName: Rebecca Harris Greer

Chapter: Memphis

Current position: Communications and Social Media Manager, Memphis University School

How long in current position: 5 years

First PR job: In a previous life I was a development manager in the real estate world. Marketing and PR were two of my many job responsibilities.

Where you attended college: Union University in Jackson, Tenn.

If you weren’t doing PR, you’d be.., getting a degree in criminal profiling.

What is your passion? Honesty and clear communication.

Proudest professional accomplishment: I’ve had a multitude of gratifying experiences in the past, but I think attaining my APR will be a very proud moment for me in the near future.

Why are you a PRSA member? The world tends to create definitions for professions as it goes. I believe there is great value in maintaining a standard-bearer, and PRSA continues to stay rooted in best-practices and standards, as well as a defined set of ethics for our industry.

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